We're for all- ALL are for us for the greater interest of Humanism-Truth-Facts-Friendship-Unity-PEACE-Participation-"War, Poverty, Cruelty, Discrimination" FREE Democracy with STATE based Strong Sovereignty+  to reach a Well-defined GOAL of Truth from which All shall have over all ++++Social Human Standards ;

We're indebted to WIKIPEDIA +UNITED NATIONS & WHO etc. for a short while and as 'Guardian QUOTATION' from Global WISER ONE. And have quoted many images, article's, writings etc. by great & humanist writers+++ from global thinkers, Well-wishers, Wiseman, Humanists and Others Living-Nonlivings  in favor of HUMANISM to share more answers of Researchers-readers+++++.... ASKINGS+++++.

To reach the 'GOAL of FULFILNESS' unitedly to alive in the "DESTINATION of TRUTH-FACTS-CHARMEST AMICABLITY" of Natural Joyful POSSIBILITIES+++

BREAST CANCERs, Cancers, Tuberculosis, All sorts of Fevers like Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue, other infections, Asthma, Hereditary Asthma,  TUMORS, Arsenic Poisoning +Other Chemical Poisoning, All sorts of Flu-Corona(SARS, MARS, COVID-19 like Complexities), Heart-Lung diseases, Neurological-Hormonal-Immunal-Infectious diseases with related Complexities including  ALL SORTS OF PHYSICO-MENTAL DISEASES & DISORDERS are Possible to CURE properly-easily-scientifically-accurately (100%+) by our "Ideal Curative Medical Services" only with "+++++Balanced Mutual Confirmation". We never use "Palliative, Protective, Preventive, Short acting Medicines and Major Life Threatening Surgeries which have life-long Fatality, Complexity +Unexpected Death Consequences".

Medicines-Foods control-proper close nursing-medicinal massage-Medicinal Yogas- Meditation, Physiotherapy special etc. without side effects & Repeatation as per contract through user-friendly approved ways of CURE++++.            please fill our form as above & Submit to evaluate for a Most Urgent Ideal A'1 Curative Triple Health Solution Globe-widely.

If there is any mistakes, plz inform me at "First prescription"- I'll generally correct the same assuring mistakes with "No Doughts'.

 Pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong. It is an unpleasant feeling, such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. 

Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli. The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage." Wikipedia
Medication: Analgesic
Symptoms: Unpleasant sensory and emotional sensations
Duration: Typically depends on the cause

Pain is the most common reason for physician consultation in most developed countries.[4][5] It is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and can interfere with a person's quality of life and general functioning.[6] People in pain experience impaired concentration, working memorymental flexibility, problem solving and information processing speed, and are more likely to experience irritability, depression, and anxiety.

Simple pain medications are useful in 20% to 70% of cases.[7] Psychological factors such as social supportcognitive behavioral therapy, excitement, or distraction can affect pain's intensity or unpleasantness.[8][9]

Types of PainAddressing pain in rheumatic disease ...Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Shoulder ...  Joint pain Information | Mount Sinai ... Cytokines and RA pain by Simon, L.S. et ...Palindromic rheumatism | Causes ...    JOINT PAINS AND RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS ...  LMNH Arthritis Relief Spray, Pain ...    Rheumatism Medicine, 30 Tablets at Rs ... The pain of measuring pain - Harvard Health 

Rheumatic symptoms (or rheumatism) are distinguished by the following seven characteristics: (1) pain or discomfort, usually perceived in the vicinity of one or more joints (including the spine); (2) pain on motion of the affected area(s); (3) soreness (to the touch) of the affected region(s); (4) stiffness of the ...

"Pain Management Specialists - Pain Management Physicians" say as follows:
They engage for relieving palliatively following Pains of sufferers with good managements ++: 
From Head to Toe - We Specialize in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Chronic Pain. Board Certified Pain Physicians. Veterans Choice Approved. Interventional Treatments. We Treat All Pain. Since 1999. Convenient Locations.

নতুন রোগীদের জন্য প্রাথমিক নিবন্ধন ফর্ম 


ভাষা নির্বাচন করুনঃ
ENG। বাংলা

আমাদের সবচেয়ে জরুরী A'1 "নিরাময়কারী "ট্রিপল হেলথ সলিউশন" পরিষেবার অধীনে- এত সহজে, সঠিকভাবে এবং স্থায়ীভাবে কোনও অস্ত্রোপচার এবং অপ্রত্যাশিত মৃত্যু-ঝুঁকি ছাড়াই, ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ বিশেষত্ব ছাড়াই কোনও পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়াহীন মানবতা ভিত্তিক ওষুধ, যন্ত্র ও ডায়াগনস্টিক পদ্ধতি সবসময় চালু রাখছী। সমস্ত ধরণের ক্যান্সার, স্তন ক্যান্সার, আঘাত, স্নায়বিক রোগ-মানসিক রোগ, শারীরিক-মানসিক দীর্ঘস্থায়ী স্বাস্থ্য-সঙ্কট দূরকারী মানব-বান্ধব+ সঠিকভাবে পদ্ধতী দ্বারা মোকাবেলা করা সম্ভব।
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সমস্ত বৈশ্বিক দেশের জন্য, এটি ভুক্তভোগীর শারীরিক-মানসিক রোগের অপরিহার্যতা এবং জটিলতার উপর নির্ভর করতে পারে। তাই রোগীকে সহজে নিরাময় করার জন্য ধাপে ধাপে সেবা প্রদানের মাধ্যমে আলোচনা করা যেতে পারে। প্রথমে, এটি ব্যাঙ্ক/অন্যান্য+++ এর মাধ্যমে 50 থেকে 1000 ডলার+/পাউন্ড খরচ হতে পারে।
শুধুমাত্র বাংলাদেশে বিকাশ/নগদ নম্বর/ব্যাঙ্কে পে করুন
TK- ২০০/৩০০/৪০০/৫০০/৬০০/৭০০/৮০০/৯০০/১০০০/৫০০০ টাকা বিশেষ এবং জরুরী পরামর্শ এবং নিবন্ধনের জন্য+ বাংলাদেশে স্বল্প আয়ের কর্মীর  জন্য প্রাথমিক পরিচর্যা+++ বাবদ খরচ বা চার্জ।

After confirming contract-letter between you+++. We serve you properly with "No Side Effects based Chemotherapy-radiation therapy -SURGICAL Complexities (Physical-Mental) to a Most Urgent Ideal A'1 CURATIVE-Effects+++ up to our Limits to recover your both-health from illness+.

COMMENTS FROM Dr. P. C. Majumder (- Author. Writer, Humanist, Physician (Physico-Mental & Spiritual) and Cosmopolitan Researcher in favor of ALL-CREATION Universally RESIDE++++ in positive ways for universal UNITY & LOVE++++)  as follows: 

1. Congratulation to "ALL MEMBER STATES IN UN" for their Most Positivity, with proper Participation & Cordiality to enhance "Health Services to All reside in the World" unitedly like COVID-'19 Pandemics where every Health initiative performed to solve primarily, how "COVID'19 Fatality OVER step by step, and saving Life & resist Unexpected Deaths" without 'CURATIVE HEALTH SOLUTION'.

2. Now, WE NEED a Most Urgent/ Step by Step initiative to provide proper & Ideal A'1 CURATIVE TRIPLE HEALTH SOLUTION as early as possible instead of present ongoing "Palliative, Protective, Preventive, Short acting Medicines-Prescription including Life-threatening side effects based Conditional BRUTAL SURGERIES" done around globally.

