We're for all- ALL are for us for the greater interest of Humanism-Truth-Facts-Friendship-Unity-Participation including Physico-Mental Sound Health  with Spirituality enrichment through ''TOTAL HEALTH SOLUTION'' to a Well-furnished GOALofTruth alloted for all in real sense ;

From wikipedia & other reliable sources ( Poets, Writers, Thinkers, Researchers, Free Lancers, Philosophers, Theologists, Scientists, Orators, Sociologists and Photographers +Artists-Musicians & etc.) we can learn as follows : 


''Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs.[5] It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and easily triggered bronchospasms.[10][11] Symptoms include episodes of wheezingcoughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.[4] These may occur a few times a day or a few times per week.[5] Depending on the person, asthma symptoms may become worse at night or with exercise.[5]

Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.[4] Environmental factors include exposure to air pollution and allergens.[5] Other potential triggers include medications such as aspirin and beta blockers.[5] Diagnosis is usually based on the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy over time, and spirometry lung function testing.[6] Asthma is classified according to the frequency of symptoms, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate.[12] It may also be classified as atopic or non-atopic, where atopy refers to a predisposition toward developing a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction.[13][14]

There is no known cure for asthma, but it can be controlled.[5] Symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens and respiratory irritants, and suppressed with the use of inhaled corticosteroids.[7][15] Long-acting beta agonists (LABA) or antileukotriene agents may be used in addition to inhaled corticosteroids if asthma symptoms remain uncontrolled.[16][17] Treatment of rapidly worsening symptoms is usually with an inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist such as salbutamol and corticosteroids taken by mouth.[8] In very severe cases, intravenous corticosteroids, magnesium sulfate, and hospitalization may be required.[18]

In 2019 asthma affected approximately 262 million people and caused approximately 461,000 deaths.[9] Most of the deaths occurred in the developing world.[5] Asthma often begins in childhood,[5] and the rates have increased significantly since the 1960s.[19] Asthma was recognized as early as Ancient Egypt.[20] The word "asthma" is from the Greek ἆσθμαâsthma, which means "panting".[21]

Asthma is the result of chronic inflammation of the conducting zone of the airways (most especially the bronchi and bronchioles), which subsequently results in increased contractability of the surrounding smooth muscles. This among other factors leads to bouts of narrowing of the airway and the classic symptoms of wheezing. The narrowing is typically reversible with or without treatment. Occasionally the airways themselves change.[22] Typical changes in the airways include an increase in eosinophils and thickening of the lamina reticularis. Chronically the airways' smooth muscle may increase in size along with an increase in the numbers of mucous glands. Other cell types involved include T lymphocytesmacrophages, and neutrophils. There may also be involvement of other components of the immune system, including cytokineschemokineshistamine, and leukotrienes among others''.[21]

We're for all- ALL are for us for the greater interest of Humanism-Truth-Facts-Friendship-Unity-Participation to a Well-furnished GOAL of Truth from which all shall have ++++;

We're indebted to WIKIPEDIA +WHO for a short while and as 'Guardian QUOTATION' from Global WISER ONE. And have quoted many images, article's, writings etc. by great & humanist writers+++ from global thinkers, Well-wishers, Wiseman, Humanists and Others Living-Nonlivings  in favor of HUMANISM to share more answers of Researchers-readers+++++....

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